What to Watch: Cooking in a Wheelchair

woman with red hair shown cooking in a wheelchair, looking at camera an cracking pepper into a pot on the stove

Like everyone else around the world, London-based Katie Pennick found herself cooking a lot more when COVID-19 turned going out to eat into a gamble with her health. The experience led her to start a new YouTube show, Cooking in a Wheelchair, which focuses on what she calls “low-effort” meals that minimize steps and clean up, avoid too much chopping and intensive prep work, or have built-in rest breaks. If you need new recipe ideas or tips for tackling some of the challenges of cooking while seated, it’s worth a follow — Pennick is a pleasure to hang out with, and her background in broadcast journalism shines through in the show’s production. Check out the first episode, “The Basics (with Gnocchi)” below.

** This post was originally published on https://www.newmobility.com/2020/10/what-to-watch-cooking-in-a-wheelchair/

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