Faith is a 9-year-old girl with diagnoses including brain injury, cerebral palsy, seizures and blindness. She lives at home with her parents and siblings. Her mother brought Faith for an Assistive Technology evaluation with Michelle Lange, OTR and Jill Tullman, SLP-CCC. Evaluation goals included positioning, access, and communication.
Faith loves sensory input, including rocking in her manual wheelchair. Many people with low vision enjoy rocking, often seeking alternative sensory input. Faith rocks even more when she is excited!
Faith is more alert and calmer when she rocks. If her Seating Dynamics Dynamic Rocker Back interface (DRBi) is locked out (latched), she can quickly become either less responsive or agitated. Even though she does not rock with a great deal of force, Faith does rock a great deal of the time. This constant movement can lead to wear and tear of the manual wheelchair frame and eventual breakage. The Dynamic Back provides both movement for Faith and damage protection for her manual wheelchair.

** This post was originally published on