Many people who require regular assistance from a mobility aid will choose to invest in a wheelchair, and the vast majority of people would agree that they are one of the best mobility aids available. They can positively impact people’s lives in so many different ways, and there is such a wide range of different wheelchairs available too, from electric wheelchairs to self-propelled wheelchairs, so there is something available to meet absolutely everyone’s needs.
However, because high-quality wheelchairs are in high demand, there are lots of different wheelchair suppliers to purchase from, and it can be challenging to know who to turn to. If you’re buying a wheelchair for the first time and you’re looking for some advice to ensure that you purchase not only the best wheelchair available but also from a reliable wheelchair supplier, keep reading today.
Research the wheelchair supplier
More often than not, when investing in an expensive wheelchair, to get an idea of the type of chair they would like to buy, people will look into the many different wheelchair manufacturers before they even step foot in a shop. This is by far, one of the best things you can do.
You should take some time to look at reviews of the wheelchair supplier before you decide to purchase one of their wheelchairs. Find out what current users have to say about the chairs they have made and ensure that their chairs will be able to meet your needs.
Always enquire about warranty
All wheelchairs should come with some form of warranty or guarantee, and it is essential to consider this when choosing which chair to purchase. The retailer you’re going to buy from should be able to inform you of this.
Different wheelchair suppliers will likely have different lengths as well as terms and conditions for their warranties, so never assume everything in a shop will be the same. When spending a lot of money on a mobility aid, it is always worth carefully looking into the warranty.
Try the chair before you invest
All wheelchair suppliers should have various retailers that stock both their manual wheelchairs and their power wheelchairs. Ideally, you should visit a store to try the wheelchair you’re interested in before you hand over any money.
If you’re particularly interested in one wheelchair supplier, it may be worth checking a store stocks their products before you visit. You may even find that a retailer has lots of different chairs from the same wheelchair suppliers, so you can test a few before making your decision.
Enquire about spare parts
Realistically, when you have a wheelchair for many years, you will need to repair or replace parts of the chair during your time of ownership. For this reason, you should always enquire about a wheelchair supplier’s ability to provide spare parts.
It is beneficial to check how readily available these parts are and also how expensive they are too. The last thing you want is to have to purchase a new expensive chair in a few years because you’re unable to fix yours. All suitable wheelchair suppliers should have different spares.
Buying from a wheelchair supplier
Hopefully, the list of tips above will help you when you’re trying to choose a wheelchair supplier to purchase from. Of course, it is worthwhile noting that there is a high chance that multiple different retailers will stock the same wheelchairs from all major suppliers that you’re interested in. So, if you’re ever unsure about purchasing from a specific store, it is likely that you won’t need to travel too far to be able to invest in the same perfect chair.
If you have been looking at the range of wheelchairs we manufacture here at Karma Mobility, and you’re wondering where your nearest retailer is, please visit our website today. You will find a list of local dealers, all of whom stock our fantastic products, so you will know exactly who to turn to if you would like to purchase a Karma Mobility wheelchair. If you can’t find a retailer in your local area, please don’t hesitate to contact us today and we will do all we can to assist you.
** This post was originally published on https://www.karmamobility.co.uk/top-tips-for-buying-from-a-wheelchair-supplier/