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Annual Consumer Guide
Our 2019 consumer guide is packed with products and services to help you do you, including robots for eating, the latest in mobility equipment, gadgets that can help you stay productive during bed rest, smartphone-enabled muscle stim, pro tips for living that (accessible) #vanlife and much more. Click here for the full list of stories so you don’t miss a thing.
Casting Call — Major Kids and Family TV Network
In what we hope will become a regular announcement, a major TV network has a new show, and they’re looking to cast a wheelchair user as a series regular. Know any cute kids that could play an 11-to-13-year-old girl — smart, confident and all-in on K-pop? Check here for details and who to contact about casting in this sci-fi kids show.
Design 101: Now With Spatulas
A C1 quad came up with one of our favorite gear hacks when he mounted five spatulas and serving spoons at head height so he can snack independently when his PCAs are gone. His process gives a great illustration for how you can use a simple yet powerful design method to come up with ingenious inventions of your own.
Find the Hands-Free Mount for You
One of the joys of life on wheels is laughing when walkers run into things as they try to text and multitask. To make sure you don’t roll into a similar fate, it’s essential to have the proper equipment to keep your hands free while maintaining easy access to your drinks, bags, phones, tablets or whatever else you need. Thankfully, there are excellent options out there for all of these.
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** This post was originally published on http://www.newmobility.com/2019/11/new-mobilitys-biweekly-newsletter-november-5-2019/