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Sex, Wheels and Relationships: Self-Image and Intimacy
Rediscovering your sexuality after a spinal cord injury can be difficult, and getting your groove back after secondary complications can be equally challenging. Regan Linton shares success stories and strategies from wheelers who broke out of the “body ruts” that inevitably come with SCI to revive their sensuality and sexuality. Emily Hupé picks up the story there and looks at how couples keep the flame of passion burning as the years roll by.
Sanders Unveils the Most Comprehensive Disability Plan to Date
Access to long-term supports and services regardless of which state you live in, a guaranteed job for every disabled American who wants to work, major investment to increase the country’s accessible housing stock — these are just a few of the ideas in Bernie Sanders’ new disability plan. It’s the latest example of how disability issues that advocates from our community have spent years working on are finally getting into the national political discourse. Check here to see how Sanders’ new plan stacks up against those of his Democratic rivals.
Products: Identifying the Game Changers So You Don’t Have To
It only took one shaky-handed caregiver for Michael Franz to figure out the right razor and grip to be able to shave independently. “SCI life can be frustrating and challenging, and it requires a lot of improvisation and adaptation,” Franz writes. “Sometimes all it takes to overcome these challenges is something new and innovative.” In his new column, Franz will be doing the dirty work to identify cool, innovative and functional products to share with you.
Daily Dilemmas: How to Handle ‘The Handshake’
In her new advice column, Sheri Denkensohn-Trott will be parsing all the awkward social situations we wheelchair users find ourselves in just going about our daily lives. First up, the dreaded handshake. Is assuring every nondisabled random that they won’t crush your metatarsals annoying? Sure is. But it’s better than letting clueless strangers dictate the terms of your interactions.
Off-the-Path Parks We Think You’ll Love
While well-known national parks like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon tend to be packed (and expensive) any month the temperatures are above freezing, there are plenty of other accessible wonders spread across the country. Our pros discover what some lesser-known parks in America have to offer — from the remarkable history of Valley Forge, to the stark beauty of South Dakota’s Badlands, to the otherworldly hoodoo spires of Bryce Canyon in Utah and more.
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** This post was originally published on https://www.newmobility.com/2020/02/newsletter-february-4-2020/