Finding The Best Chair For Children With Cerebral Palsy: Callum’s Story

Callum is 7 years old and lives with his mum Rebecca and dad Richard in their home in East Anglia, UK.  Callum has cerebral palsy, which occurs when parts of the brain that control muscles are damaged, causing varying degrees of lifelong disability. Over the years, Callum’s posture and sitting needs have been impacted because of his condition.    

Whilst Callum attends a special school 3 days a week, he still needs to be safe and comfortable when he is at home. Like any parents, Rebecca and Richard only want the best for their son and making decisions to find the correct equipment was something that was important for them as a family. The family’s OT recommended that they have a Seating Assessment carried out by one of our clinically trained Seating Specialists.

You can find out more about our complimentary Seating Assessments here.

Callum usually sat in a specialist moulded chair but it didn’t offer the correct support that he required.  Rebecca said, “Callum would scrunch his shoulders forward which would close his chest off, which was not good for him. He has no head control and would slump his head forward.”  As well as suffering from cerebral palsy, Callum has scoliosis, resulting in a curvature of his spine affecting the right side of his body.  

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Our Seating Specialist Conor visited the Winter Family in their home and trialled the Kidz Phoenix. An adaptation was required to accommodate Callum’s needs.  We created a special footrest to ensure his right foot was positioned more comfortably to accommodate his spinal curvature. Rebecca says, “Conor is great at what he does and he was really good with Callum. He kept us informed about everything and really wanted to make sure that the chair was going to be right for Callum.” 

“He is sitting lovely in his chair now!”

Tilt in space is an integrated function of the Kidz Phoenix and was crucial for Callum. Tilt in space should be used to facilitate a change of position and pressure redistribution for those with limited or no mobility. It is such an important function as regular weight redistribution minimises pressure on the weight bearing areas such as the sacrum and IT’s (the prominent bones in the bottom).  It can facilitate improved posture, visual field, respiration, swallowing and comfort. Rebecca says, “It is really important that he has the head support on the right side and the lateral supports.  He is sitting lovely in his chair now!  He hasn’t cried out in any discomfort after being in his chair.”

Rebecca and Richard are seeing the benefits of having tilt in space for Callum. “Definitely it’s a useful function, because he has to be tilted quite far back because of his poor head control, so it is a plus for him,” said Rebecca.  I am so pleased to see Callum sitting so well in his Kidz Phoenix and that Rebecca and Richard, you are seeing your son sitting more comfortably and the positive impact it is having on his quality of life.

To find out more about our kids specialist seating range please click here.

It is my passion and personal commitment to help as many people like Callum as I can.  If you have a patient or loved one who you feel would benefit from a Seating Assessment, please get in touch with us today and we will be happy to help. 


** This post was originally published on

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