Ask Us: Beach Chairs and Riding Mowers

Summer Fun in the Sun

Shelly asks:
I am trying to purchase a beach wheelchair for my daughter. Our family is planning a trip to the shore this summer, and she doesn’t want to go with us because she can’t move around easily on the sand.

Executive Editor Josie Byzek answers:
Before purchasing an expensive beach chair, try reaching out to the beaches your family is interested in visiting and see if they have chairs available. Many lease them, and others may even provide them for free upon request.

You can find information on the different types of beach wheelchairs and where to purchase them in our March 2016 article, “Beach Chairs: More Available Than Ever”. Contact info for the companies that sell them is included in the resource list at the end of the article. Also you’ll find helpful information from our readers in the comments section, including additional vendors, foundations that offer assistance in securing beach chairs and useful tips from wheelchair users.

“Growing With Mowing: Kary WrightTime to Mow the Lawn

Larry asks:
Several years ago you printed an article about a man who invented a Hoyer lift to get him on his riding lawn mower. There was also a link to a video showing him being lifted from his wheelchair onto the riding lawn mower and mowing his grass. I have spastic paraparesis and use a scooter for mobility. I need to have someone construct this lift so I can get on my lawn mower. Thanks for your help!

Executive Editor Josie Byzek and Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center Director Bill Fertig respond:
Despite exhaustive searches of our archives and website, we could not find the exact story and video you remember. But we did find these articles that we hope inspire a system that works for you:

• “Yardwork Adaptations:” Seth McBride interviews wheelchair users about their lawn work techniques;

• “The Tao of Mowing:” Bob Vogel, a para, writes about his favorite chore;

• “Growing With Mowing:” Kary Wright, a quad, talks about how he uses a lift that he calls “the meat hook” to seat him in his riding mower;

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If you have a question for United Spinal staff, please submit it at or call 800/962-9629 (choose Option 1). For nonemergency medical questions, try the Craig Hospital Nurse Advice line, 800/247-0257.

** This post was originally published on

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