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Lawsuit Alleges ICE Mistreats Disabled Immigrant Detainees
A recent lawsuit against Immigration and Customs Enforcement alleges broad mistreatment of immigrant detainees with a variety of disabilities: “These human beings — many of whom have fled torture — are packed into immigration prisons in which they are denied healthcare, refused disability accommodations, and subjected to arbitrary and punitive isolation.”
Exoskeleton Controlled by Brain-Machine Interface
From “this is creepy” and “I want feeling back, not a clunky robot,” to “I think it is good progress,” reactions to a video of a French quadriplegic controlling a full-body exoskeleton with his brain generated a lively discussion on our Facebook page. However you view the tech, join the conversation.
Rehab After Shoulder Surgery
Just as time, age and injury can cause ambulatory people to face knee and hip surgery, wheelchair users often end up with shoulder damage that requires surgery. Bog Vogel talks with clinicians and those who’ve gone through shoulder rehab about what you can expect and how to maximize your post-op prognosis. Hint: Building strength back slowly may feel tedious, but it will significantly reduce your risk of reinjury.
A New Avenue for SCI Research Funding
Understanding where federal SCI research dollars come from and how they get doled out can make your head swim, but advocates in Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Ohio are providing a road map for research funding: lobbying your state legislature.
Recovering From Bed Confinement
After six-months of bed rest — the result of a pressure sore requiring flap surgery — Tim Gilmer found himself in a place where a simple transfer was as arduous as a Ninja Warrior obstacle course. Here’s a first-hand report on how seemingly small things like range of motion and posture can make a big difference for regaining your independence.
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** This post was originally published on http://www.newmobility.com/2019/10/new-mobilitys-biweekly-newsletter-october-16-2019/